Tuesday, October 21, 2008

hotel somerset

hotel somerset
Originally uploaded by hirevimaging
Shot with the Noctilux - it really is one of my favorite lenses in the Leica M system. The signage here seems so displaced today...but to me, that's what draws me to it. Note the vignetting on the corners of the image - that is a characteristic of the lens, which was really designed for use by available light shooters when film had an ISO of 400 basically. Used in a concert or stage setting - the edges might not be as noticeable. Shot wide open at F1.0 - this is a typical "look" from the Noctilux.
I've been shooting quite a number of weddings lately, all digital - and much of the portrait work I'm doing of the bride & groom is typically shot with an 85/1.4 or 135/2 Nikkor. These lenses also provide outstanding image quality wide open.