Thursday, August 13, 2009

cruise night

cruise night
Originally uploaded by hirevimaging
One of the fun (and challenging) things about shooting with a rangefinder, is not being able to see EXACTLY what you're getting image wise. On the one hand - you have a clear view of the subject the whole time with no mirror blackout like you get in an SLR, but on the other hand, you need to know your lenses well enough to envision what the result is going to be. Shooting film in a rangefinder is a nice change of pace for me, simply because I have to wait to see what I got. Instant gratification with digital cameras is great, but slowing down the process with film isn't so bad for me.
This is another Noctilux shot...but I know that when I took it, I didn't quite expect the result I got. This worked out better than anticipated, and it's nice when that happens of course. Shooting at dusk can give you some interesting color shifts due to rapidly changing lighting, and exposure times. I've always enjoyed using this to my advantage, as well as the ability to exploit the characteristics of some of the Leica & Nikon high speed optics.

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