Monday, March 15, 2010

Lisa W

Lisa W
Originally uploaded by hirevimaging
This was done a few years ago, and is a slight departure from some of my regular shooting. Instead of using available light, I actually used a small Arri 150 watt lamp to try and go for a more classic portrait look. I have always liked some of the older Hollywood glamor lighting from the 30's and 40's shot by photographers such as Horst or Hurrell, so this was an attempt to use a technique similar to the old shooters.
Using the Arri light was nice, it's a continuous source (hot light) as opposed to a strobe kit and I can get an immediate feel for what I am dealing with shadow wise and such. This image was also shot on film and with a Leica 90mm Apo asph lens with an aperture of 2.0. The Arri light isn't so bright that I am forced to stop down in aperture, and you can see by the blurred background that I was still able to get the desired effect. This is actually something I need to re-visit for future work as I am really happy with the this turned out.

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